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There is no international airport on Maio, just a small domestic airport. You can fly into the Cape Verde Islands via Santiago, and take one more plane to get to Maio, or into Sal and two more planes or Boavista and then take at least two planes to get to Maio.

Flights to Maio Cape Verde




Day of week

Depart time


Arrive Fogo




Gatwick   none        
Birmingham   none        
Manchester   none        
Lisbon   none        
Paris   none        
Amsterdam   none        
Boston, USA   none        
Dakar   none        




Boavista   none        
Santiago   Monday Wednesday Saturday       any
Sao Vicente   Monday Wednesday Saturday       any

Flights to Maio from other Cape Verde Islands

TACV flies to Maio on a scheduled basis, but not that frequently. Halcyonair does not operate to Maio at present.

How to save money on flights to Maio, The Cape Verde Islands

Close to departure date, prices may rise sharply. This holds true for most scheduled airlines including low cost carriers. Book early to take advantage of low fares. If you are able to avoid school holidays and half terms, you can often save money. If you wish to fly to several islands, plan in advance, so we can suggest the cheapest route.

The prices shown are minimum prices including all known supplements. Fares change constantly and rise significantly in high season and when flights are nearly full. Airport taxes and flight supplements are constantly changing.

Where to stay on Maio

For superior accommodation click on Maio to see where to stay. Or for value accommodation click here

Please note that flight times are constantly changing and these are indicative only.

For information on flying to other Cape Verde Islands

Enquire about flights to Maio

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